
Galilee Gardens Open in August

As with previous years, the Galilee Gardens at the back of the church will be open during the month of August, on Wednesdays and Fridays, from 2pm-4pm. The only exception to this is on Friday 2nd August, where the gardens will be open from the point the Lighthouse Water Eaton BBQ starts at 12 noon until 4pm. This is a free event…

Friday Club’s Day out on the Ouse

Friday Club, organised by Crosslinks, had a lovely day out recently on the River Great Ouse, travelling on the John Bunyan Community Boat. The pictures provide a taste of what the day was like! Friday Club will now take a break over the summer holidays, and will meet again in September. Please keep all those…

BBGA’s End-of-Year BBQ Celebration

The 1st Bletchley Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association (or BBGA for short), held their customary end-of-year BBQ to celebrate their members’ achievements across the year. This is what they had to say about the day below: It was a risky decision to hold our end-of-year BBQ outside given the torrential rain we had experienced in…

Celebrating the Marriage of Mung and Sarah

There was much fellowship and fun last weekend at the Water Eaton Church Centre, when our minister, Mung and his wife, Sarah, wanted us to share in the celebrations of their wedding, which took place on 5th June in India. Visitors included friends from Folkestone, London and Oxford. Devotions and speeches were followed by wonderful…

Reflection on the constituency Hustings

Today is polling day. Across the country, millions of people will be voting as part of the General Election, to determine our MP’s in Parliament and ultimately who will govern the country. Spurgeon’s and St Frideswide’s, the two churches here at Water Eaton, played a part in this democratic exercise by hosting the Hustings for…

Holiday at Home go on a Cruise!

There was a nautical theme to this year’s ’Holiday at Home’, our summer event for over 60s – we were going on a cruise! Our cruise included quizzes, music, singing, a cream tea and dancing, which wouldn’t have been possible without being led by Sandy Bennett and her fabulous dancers (see the pictures below)! The…

Child Registration Open for Lighthouse 2024

You can now register your child for Lighthouse 2024! Registration is now open via SignMeUp for children’s applications! This will stay open until Friday 26th July. Don’t forget you can also still register via SignMeUp to volunteer! If you would like to enjoy fun and games as well as the sheer pleasure of working with young children to share what you…