On this page you can find all of the puppet sketches which have been created by members of our congregation over previous years. Feel free to have a browse.

Originally, the sketches were created for the all-age section of our online services during the Covid-19 pandemic. Once we returned to the building for our Morning Worship, we continued to occasionally create new puppet sketches for the all-age section of our service. The puppets have covered everything from the life of Jacob to the Christmas story!

Our thanks go to One Way UK who make the puppets and have a wealth of resources on puppet/creative ministry. Check them out here!

Silent Knight

Luke takes a rather literal view of a favourite Christmas carol, but Laura is there to set him, and us right! Happy Christmas!

God’s SuperPower and pentecost

Luke and Laura are back! Luke has invited Laura to a posh restaurant to ask her about God’s superpowers. Spurred on by half-listening in Junior Church on Pentecost Sunday, Luke gets a bit muddled about what powers God has given him…

The Secret Agent donkey 009 and Palm Sunday

Moving on from the Christmas interview with the secret donkey, 007, who is not recorded in the gospels, John Questioner in this sketch is with a donkey most definitely mentioned in the gospels. Namely, Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

The Secret donkey – Interview on Canaan TV News

A puppet sketch from 24th December 2023. Although the donkey appears in many nativities across the world, it is not actually mentioned in the Bible. Snoopy Snoop and Monty the donkey explore the donkey’s side of the Christmas story in an exclusive interview on Canaan TV News!

Luke & becky… and Being Sent to Egypt

Luke is jealous because Becky always gets better grades than him at school! In this sketch, Luke learns about another sibling rivalry which results in Joseph being sent to Egypt…

Laura & Luke… Try to Make a New Year’s Resolution (2021)

Laura and Luke are joined by Helen as they think about the meaning of New Year’s Resolutions. Is there something bigger and better that can help us change into a new person as we enter the new year?

The Road to Emmaus – Report from Canaan TV News

Join Canaan TV News for a live interview with a witness from the Road to Emmaus who claims to have seen the risen Jesus!

Luke & Laura… Talk Birthdays

Today is Luke’s Grandad’s birthday! As Luke thinks about what he could give his Grandad, the puppets explore another birthday: Pentecost, the birthday of the church.