Morning Worship

Join us for a contemporary service of worship, prayer and teaching. Includes all-age worship, a creche facility and ‘Junior Church‘. Our service is an all-age service on the first Sunday of the month.

As you approach the building, enter the church by the right-hand door, where a member of the welcome team will be ready to greet you! Our service follows that of St Frideswide’s, with whom we share the building.

We also livestream our services via YouTube. Details can be found in the church newsletter, or alternatively contact us for the YouTube link.

Audio recordings of previous services/sermons can also be heard on Listen Again, with recordings of the service livestream available on our Livestream Service Archive.

If you’re new and are thinking of coming to Church one Sunday to meet us we’d love to see you! More information for visitors can be found here.

Morning Worship Promo