New Here?

Is this your first visit to our website? We’ve designed the site to answer your questions, so feel free to have a good look around – and, if there are still things you need to know, please contact us. Or perhaps you’re thinking of coming to Church one Sunday to meet us and find out more about us. We are used to visitors and we’d love to see you!

Our weekly services take place each Sunday at the Water Eaton Church Centre, Bletchley. The morning service starts at 11am and involves the whole Church family from the start, and children & young people leave halfway to head to their Junior Church activities. You will find that we are a very welcoming Church made up of people of various ages and from a variety of backgrounds. We would love for you to join us for refreshments & fellowship after the service (or before the service on the first Sunday of the month).

Services are typically led by our minister or a member of the Lay Preaching Team, but with participation from others. Our style of worship music varies from week to week. Often we have just a pianist/guitarist and a singer or two, but other singers and musicians also get involved from time to time. We tend to sing a mix of recent worship songs and some older favourite hymns, using mainly Songs of Fellowship.


  • Accessible car park
  • Ramped entrance
  • Accessible toilet
  • Hearing Induction Loop