Posts by Mark Churchill

Donkey Express

Donkey Express 2023

Every December, a dedicated couple from our congregation run the ‘Donkey Express‘ – Spurgeon’s official Christmas Card Distribution Service. This means that congregation members, from both Spurgeon’s and St Frideswide’s, can send Christmas cards to each other through the ‘Donkey Express’, rather than through the post. The ‘Donkey Express’ is now open for this year!…

Carols for Bletchley

As we approached the 2nd Sunday of Advent, some of the churches in Bletchley, including ours, supported the official lights switch-on event in Queensway yesterday. A relatively small group of singers sang out tidings of great joy! And onlookers were encouraged to look beyond the wrapping paper to find the true gift of Christmas, in…

.. and We’re Back!

Well, we were never really away, but this site has been down for a bit. Unfortunately we had to migrate servers and move WordPress installs at the beginning of November. Let’s just say it wasn’t straight forward and, as you’ll see, there are various bits and pieces that have yet to be correctly reconfigured. Please…

Jubilee Celebration Day Update

Just to let you know that we’ve updated the details on the Jubilee Celebration Day event to include the day’s schedule of events. The event is free to attend, but if you would like lunch you will need to pre-book at by Friday 27th May. Everyone is welcome!

ROC Mentoring

Redeeming Our Communities (ROC) visited Milton Keynes a year ago and held four community-based meetings in different areas; you may be one of many who participated in the meetings. ROC Tele-mentoring project is about to start the training for volunteers who will be part of this exciting community-based work. Tele-mentors will support families by coming…

The start of a return … we hope!

Today saw the start of Spurgeon’s returning to the Water Eaton Church Centre to worship in person on a Sunday morning. The eagle-eyed will notice a YouTube countdown on the screen. This is because, as a first step, the building is being opened for a limited number of people to participate in our online service…