17th Nov – Bridgebuilder Trust MK Wisdom and Wine Quiz Night Fundraiser
A quiz night organised by Bridgebuilder Trust. Please see the church newsletter or contact us if you would like to join the fun and be part of a team from Spurgeon’s.

18th Nov – Torch Trust Sight-Loss Awareness Training
On Saturday 18th November, from 10am-12pm, we will be running training on Sight-Loss Awareness.

This training will use resources from Torch Trust. It will include an overview of different types of eye conditions and information about how sight loss is growing; an understanding of how sight loss can impact church life and will look at advice and guidance from Torch Trust about how to make our church centre more sight-loss friendly (see some examples here).
Book your place by contacting us.
25th Nov – St Frideswide’s Christmas Fayre

Every year, St Frideswide’s, the church with whom we share the building, hold a Christmas Fayre – save the date!