Yesterday, Pentecost Sunday, marked the culmination of the 11 days of global prayers and events for Thy Kingdom Come.
On Sunday 21st May, we and our friends from St Frideswide’s hosted a joint prayer drop-in as part of the MK events for Thy Kingdom Come – a week of global prayer with supporting events across our city. This is what Churches Together in Milton Keynes had to say about the prayer drop-in on social media:
The MK Thy Kingdom Come Events for 2023 began at Water Eaton Church Centre in Bletchley yesterday with a prayer drop-in. It included a quiet space for silent prayer and reflection, prayer stations for all ages and a creative space with worship music.
Thank you to Gill and team for all the work they put into creating this event for us, it really was amazing!
Water Eaton Church Centre is a Local Ecumenical Partnership between St Frideswide’s and Spurgeon Baptist Church, who share the building.
Churches Together in Milton Keynes (CTMK)
You can find out more about the Thy Kingdom Come global movement here and more about CTMK, as well as the other TKC activities which took place across MK, on their website.