BU President to Lead Upcoming Service

This coming Sunday (on 16th April), we are delighted that our Morning Worship will be led by the Rev Hayley Young, President of the Baptist Union, the national umbrella organisation for Baptist churches in the UK, to which we are affiliated.

We are very excited to have her here and look forward to hearing the message she brings us. We also welcome those joining us from other churches, especially friends from St Andrew’s Baptist Church, who hope to be with us for the service.

Hayley’s theme for her presidential year is ‘Building a Bigger Table‘.

As a Baptist Movement we have the opportunity to bring Jesus to our communities by expanding a table: providing the kind of hospitality that Jesus offers. We have a challenge ahead of us about how we can create a bigger table: to welcome more people. To spend time listening, learning, hearing, knowing and respecting everyone.

All are welcome to this service, whether in-person or on Zoom. Simply contact us for the Zoom link. You can also catch up on Hayley’s sermon on our ‘Listen Again‘ page.


Join us for ‘An Afternoon of Film Music’

This coming Saturday, Robert once again leads us through a selection of film music based on the theme of ‘Songs, Action & Adventure’. You can view the event details here.

All are welcome!


Although not until July, volunteering for Lighthouse 2023 has now opened! Our Lighthouse organisers are looking for young volunteers called Lamplighters as well as adults who can lead or support.

You can sign up to volunteer here on the main Lighthouse website, where you’ll then receive an email with further details on how you can help.

You can also view the Lighthouse Water Eaton section on the main Lighthouse website here.

Please pray for Anne and Ruth, our Lighthouse organisers, as they develop the Restoration Station material produced by Scripture Union to fit their specific needs.

Would you like to receive further news updates like this? You can sign up to our weekly newsletter by contacting us or emailing weeklynews@spurgeonbaptist.com to be added to the distribution list. Hard copies are also available in the church.


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