‘Christmas Cracked‘ commences on Wednesday, after not being able to take place last year!
Over the next few days, we have almost 300 children from local Primary Schools coming into the Church Centre to explore the Christmas story. Please remember Christmas Cracked in your prayers this week.
Below are some Christmas Story Poems written by pupils after attending Christmas Cracked:

In the darkness in the night,
An angel came to Joseph’s sight,
To tell him the most gracious news,
The future King of the Jews.
God has sent him from above,
His heart is made of purely love,
He came to save us from our sins,
To love us and all our kins.
Jesus was born on Christmas Day,
In a manger full of hay,
Shepherds bring the gift of sheep,
And hail the baby in his sleep.
Wisemen travelling from afar,
Following the brightest star,
At the sight to knees they fall,
A king that came to save us all.
Lying in his mother’s arm,
The world seems so beautifully calm.
By Emily age 11

Once upon a time,
A long, long time ago,
A baby was born
That many of you will know.
He was born in a manger,
Next to some cows
But his parents Mary and Joseph,
Were still very proud.
They cuddled and rocked him,
To show their love,
His name was Jesus,
He was sent from above.
The shepherds and wisemen found out too.
They listened to a message,
From an angel God knew.
Both followed the star,
Shining over the manger,
In hope to see Jesus the Saviour.
By Ellie, age 11