We are delighted to offer the opportunity to share a meal together with our friends at St Frideswide’s as part of this year’s Maundy Thursday service via Zoom. This will take place on 1st April, from 6-7pm.
Anderson Catering will provide a choice of soup and a roll, a platter of
meats/cheeses/flatbread and homemade dips/olives, dates, nuts and honey, and an Easter cupcake, at £7.50 per head.
For further details and the ordering form, please contact us by Friday 26th March. Alternatively, you can order using ‘ChurchSuite’, accessible via the St Frideswide’s website.
Of course, there is no requirement to order the meal to join the service. You can bring your own food, or just attend. Please get in touch with us for the Zoom log-in details if you would like to join.

Kevin, our minister, will lead three short Easter reflections during the course of the meal, which will be available in advance to those unable to connect via Zoom. Again, if you would like to access these, feel free to contact us.