At the start of lockdown, it was difficult to tell how our Anchor and Junior section members would respond to ‘BBatHome’, the new way of working for the 1st Bletchley Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association during the pandemic. However, it can be said that for the most part, it has been very successful, one parent commenting that it had provided:
A breath of fresh air in some very scary and uncertain times.
BB Headquarters have been providing weekly resources with a variety of activities, which the children completed at home. During the virtual weekly sessions, after a devotional, we shared photos and videos of what everyone had been up to. Lately, these sessions have also included a variety of games which were completed over Zoom – the imagination of the staff has certainly been stretched in this area!
Whilst Zoom hasn’t worked for everyone, and attendance has fluctuated throughout the past couple of months, we have had a consistent base of members who are regulars. Highlights have included: VE Day 75, ‘Teddy Bear Zip Wire’, ‘Don’t Drop a Thing’, ‘Climbing Big Ben’, ‘Protect the Egg’, ‘Animal Memory’ and ‘Superhero Action Poses’. We are especially proud of those members who have reached out and shown kindness to others, whether to care homes, bin men, or to the next-door neighbour. As I’m sure you’ll agree, these acts of kindness have been sorely needed during this time. These, and further highlights have been compiled into a video, which can be viewed on our Facebook page or via this link:
It was great that we were able to recognise these activities, as well as those completed before lockdown, with our virtual Awards Evening on the last session of the 2019/20 school year, in which ‘BBatHome’ medals were awarded, in addition to the regular badges. This was accompanied by some fun and games, and a virtual rendition of the BB Hymn ‘Will Your Anchor Hold’. All of this did somewhat make up for not having a BBQ this year!

Prayer would be greatly appreciated for all of our members and for the staff as they begin to consider how the company will move forward in September, once the new school year begins and we transition out of lockdown.