Craft Group is 20!

Water Eaton Church Centre’s Craft Group 20th Birthday Celebration

Craft Group held its first session on Tuesday 29 th April 1997. Jean Hulett and Jane Sellers had been asked if they could organise a craft group for adults and they agreed. It became one of the Home Groups at Water Eaton Church Centre with the aim of “Making things together in a context of Christian friendship and creativity.”

Crafters continue to cut, glue, knit, share, sew-sometimes and laugh. Activities range from card making to floral art to book sculpture. Take a look below at the pictures from our 20th Birthday Easter-themed session:

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Crafting takes place once a month on a Thursday afternoon. Details are on the websites of both churches, Spurgeon Baptist Church and St. Frideswide’s Anglican Church. Please pop in to see us. Join in the laughter.

We look forward to our 21st birthday, April 2018 – Theme: Crafty Keys!


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