This was the message & challenge shared during our Carols by Candlelight Service. If you weren’t able to join us, you can listen to it in full and sing along in the comfort of your own home/office.
Reflections on the Wise Men
Let’s stop for two minutes to think about the Wise Men. They were well respected in their culture, and by other cultures too. They had wide ranging knowledge of science, mathematics, history, and astrology; think Stephen Hawking or Brian Cox. They were some of the most powerful advisors across the empires. They weren’t kings, but they were people of great importance.
And they were looking for something special, someone special; and they were looking for answers. Even with all their knowledge, they still hadn’t found the answers they were looking for. They were seekers – seeking something special.
In Jeremiah 29:13, God says: “You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”
The Wise Men put everything they had into their search: they committed to such a long journey & they brought expensive gifts. They didn’t hold back! And God revealed Himself to them in an amazing way, through the star which guided them to Jesus.
The wise men listened to what the king said and then left. And the star they had seen in the east went on ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. They were thrilled and excited to see the star. – Matthew 2:9-10
They found exactly what they were looking for – the new King, Jesus.
What was their response? In the stinky mess of the stable, the wise men knelt down & worshipped Him and they gave Him their gifts.
What is it that you’re seeking? Are you looking for answers to difficult questions? Is there a need within you that isn’t being fulfilled? Perhaps the things you’ve found have proved not to be the answer. Like the Wise Men, are you willing to put everything into your search?
Whether you’re looking for proof that God loves you or that He even exists, or you’re wanting to know Him better, God promises that if you search with all your heart He will reveal Himself to you. And when He does, I pray that your response will be like the Wise Men too: that you’ll bow down & worship Him, and that you’ll give Him all you’ve got. Because when you do He will do something amazing with you & through you.
What will your response to Jesus be this Christmas?
My advice, for your searching & your response:
- be like the Wise Men & don’t hold anything back!