Last Saturday was Love Bletchley Day and a team of people from the Church fellowship headed to Queensway to bless the community. The following is a report from our group organiser, Ruth Jones [photos below]:
The day was full of sunshine which meant that many people turned up to wander along the rows of stalls. Eyes were caught by the Queen and bookmarks about her faith were given out as selfies were taken with her.
Many were attracted by the small leaflets and enjoyed the opportunity to choose their own small card. Some were given cards about Brigades and information about the Church. At times the numbers meant that it was difficult to engage in more than a smile and the offer of a cake as people passed, but at the less busy periods of the day there were conversations about needs and burdens which were transferred to the prayer tree and handed on to members of our Church fellowship the next day to continue praying. There was a sense of trust in what God can do from those who stopped.
Views about the Queen are varied, but those who are very interested happily accepted the book The Servant Queen and the King she serves. The best part of the day for me was that the 46 books were given out with the agreement to read and pass on the good words to ‘my mum’ or ‘the care home where my father in law is’ or ‘to my sister who is crazy about the Queen’. Please continue to pray for those who are reading and being encouraged in the faith they have by this book.
At the end of the day two fellow stall holders stopped by to be refreshed with conversation about the Lord and their experiences of Him and to take back the last remaining cakes to encourage their teams as they packed up.
In 2014 we took a slightly different approach, led by our young people: Operation Cupcake!