Top Priority not Last Resort
Yesterday was an absolutely manic day. We all have them from time to time. A very full diary of appointments, combined with a long to-do list and a few things which cropped up when I least expected them, all conspired to make it a tough day. Having lots to do & not enough time to do it makes for a very stressful day. I didn’t even manage to read my Bible yesterday, or complete my own Lent reading (I’m now three days behind!). And I almost didn’t have time to pray. Actually, that’s not strictly true. Of course I had time to pray. But I almost didn’t pray because I didn’t make time for it.
Everything I was involved in yesterday was important (yes, really) and some of it was urgent. But none of it should have been so important that it took the place of prayer.
Even at the busiest times in His ministry, Jesus made time to pray. He made it an absolute priority – neglecting what we would consider brilliant opportunities in order to take time out to pray. Even though He only had three years to accomplish His mission, and even though He of all people could have said ‘there’s more important stuff to do!’, He made time to pray.
News about Jesus kept spreading. Large crowds came to listen to him teach and to be healed of their diseases. But Jesus would often go to some place where he could be alone and pray. – Luke 5:15-16 – CEV
– what do you need to drop (or limit) in order to make time to pray, every day?
Set a daily alarm on your phone and pray at that time. You know what time you’re most likely to be able to stop what you’re doing for just 5 minutes – set your alarm for that time and commit to pray. Give thanks for something good that’s happened, pray about some you know who is struggling or in need, ask God to reveal Himself to you through people you meet. That’s it – and it probably won’t even take five minutes.