On 15 October at the Church Centre, 67 hungry and enthusiastic ‘Quizzers’ assembled for, what we hoped would be, an enjoyable evening of fun, food, fellowship and friendly competition and, as an incentive – apart from the good food, all proceeds would be in aid of Youth Ministry Funds.
Teams of 4 to 6 people gathered in anticipated excitement to have their brains picked with questions ranging from General Knowledge, History, Movies, Sport, Geography, etc. There was also a Table-Top Quiz – Just for Starters, where there were 30 questions each containing a number and the beginning letter of each word – quite a challenge for some, although the winners of this competition, the Drovers, managed to achieve all the correct answers and were presented with a ‘yard’ of Jaffa Cakes to share amongst themselves.
The evening was in two halves with 5 rounds of questions and answers in each half, which was interspersed by a sumptuous supper organized and prepared by several of the ladies of the church.
The evening was compered by Robert Dungate, who had compiled the Quiz, with the scores being carefully scrutinized by Ken Buttenshaw who had compiled the Table-Top Quiz. The competition was fierce and it was neck and neck all the way with two or three teams in the running, but the eventual winners were the ‘Bradlinleygards’; well done to them! I am sure the team appreciated the large tin of Quality Street presented to them as a result of their hard efforts.
The evening proved to be an outstanding success, enjoyed by all who attended and, with an amount of £445 being raised for Youth Ministry Funds, a wonderful outcome. When is the next Quiz? Time will tell.