We want to encourage the whole church to engage in a day of prayer and fasting on Tuesday 23rd February. We have chosen this date because it is at the beginning of Lent which is the traditional time for fasting in the Christian calendar.
The classic understanding of fasting is to abstain from food in order to be attentive to God. The time that we would have spent preparing food and eating it is set aside for God. Instead of eating and drinking we worship, read the Bible and pray. For 23rd February we would like you to ask God about his vision for our church. Some may want to choose one meal to miss, some may want to do the whole day and miss three meals. Please see the church newsletter for more details on how to approach fasting.
During the course of Prayer and Fasting Day, we will be offering three opportunities to pray together via Zoom – 9am, 1pm and 6pm. If you would like to participate, please see the Zoom link in the church newsletter, or alternatively, contact us. It will be great to pray at home, and to pray together.