Join us on Easter Sunday as we celebrate the risen Christ together!
This service will include a range celebratory Easter songs/hymns and communion.
The service will be preceded by a shared Easter breakfast with St Frideswide’s in the Youth Hall, and will include hot cross buns and tea/coffee. Do join us anytime from ~10.30am onwards!
Once it hits 11am, for those who are able (and weather permitting), we will group around the cross outside to sing a selection of Resurrection Songs, led by our minister Mung, before coming back into church for our Easter celebration & communion service.
If you are unable to join the service in-person, you can also take part via Zoom. The link can be found in the church newsletter, or you can also contact us for the Zoom link.
We wish you a blessed Easter.
Don’t forget that daylight saving time begins on Easter Sunday, so set your clocks forward by one hour before going to bed the night before!