In the run up to Easter, in partnership with Bridgebuilder Trust and as part of our schools’ work, we invited around 190 year 5 and 6 pupils to Easter Cracked – a chance to explore and ‘crack’ the meaning of the Easter story through interactive drama, quizzes, presentations and craft.
This included an activity exploring how the cross, a Roman method of torture, is a symbol of new life for Christians. Using only one A5 sheet of paper, the pupils were tasked with folding and tearing the paper in a way which created a cross and the word ‘life’, showing how Jesus’ death on the cross means new life for us.

We certainly enjoyed hosting the schoolchildren and we hope they got as much out of cracking the meaning of Easter as we did, learning about why Easter is such a big deal for Christians.
Please pray for the all school children, staff and helpers who heard the story of Easter over these sessions.