As you may or may not know, we have been donating used postage stamps to BMS World Mission over the past few years. However, BMS have decided that they will no longer be taking used stamps as part of their fund-raising effort from the end of this year. We will therefore only take stamps for them up until November this year.
We have been in contact with Willen Hospice who are more than happy for us to give them our used stamps. So please continue to donate your stamps; used, mint or any variation thereof and we will pass them on. On the used stamps there should be a margin around them of at least a quarter of an inch, but more is fine since we can trim them to the right size.
There is a collection box for them on top of the filing cupboard in the general office opposite the main noticeboard in the Church Centre.
Simply Worship

After the launch of our first ‘Simply Worship’ service back in May, another ‘Simply Worship’ service will be taking place on the evening of 23rd October, at 7pm.
Further details, including on how to get involved, can be found here.
A Prayer for Black History Month
Compassionate God,
who sent Jesus Christ
to deliver us from all manner of injustices and inequalities,
create in us new hearts and enlarged visions,
to see the image of God in every person
irrespective of background, race and ethnicity.
May we be generous in our love of others
as we work towards ending misunderstanding, racism and injustice; creating communities of human flourishing,
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
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