One way and another, it’s been a busy week. Don’t worry, I won’t bore you by reciting my diary. But today I had a gear change. I don’t mean that the work/meetings/appointments dried up a bit – but that I deliberately changed gear today. And something amazing happened. I anticipated that I’d reach the end of the day with a half-completed ‘to do’ list and that stress would have increased. But that wouldn’t be amazing, that would be predictable.
Today I changed gear. I slowed down. I made time with God & focus on God (in everything) a priority.
It was a glorious early-Spring day, so I decided to walk to my meetings, visits & appointments. Of course, that took much longer than if I’d driven, but it allowed me extra time to think/pray/worship on the way. I was blessed by those walks – by the weather, by the exercise, by hearing from God.
Because I’d taken time to get to those appointments, my mind was much more focused by the time I arrived, which meant I was more attentive during the varied meetings, pastoral visits, etc. As a result, those times were richer than they would otherwise have been. I was more attentive to the people I was with, but also to what God was saying during those times. I was hugely encouraged in so may ways, by God & by His people.
My study & admin time was much more efficient & productive than usual too. That in itself was a further encouragement. And instead of feeling further behind & more pressured by the end of the day, in fact my ‘todo’ list was completed much earlier than I anticipated. As a result of all this, I end the day feeling so much less stressed, and so much more encouraged.
I wonder if this is why Jesus, in the busiest times of His ministry, with such a limited time available to Him, made it a priority to withdraw; deliberately slowing down & spending time with His Father. I wonder if this is, in turn, is how He managed to achieve so much in that limited time.
I encourage you to have a deliberate gear change, to slow down, to focus on God more, and see what amazing, unexpected ways He may choose to bless you.
One Comment
Great blog Ricky. I’ve been trying to be more intentional in my focusing on God as I go about may daily routine. Deliberately thinking about how I’m carrying the presence of God with me wherever I go and in all that I do whether I’m working for him or relaxing. It does make such a difference and I hope to become more accomplished at doing so!!