Relax and slow down.
Don’t give in to the pressure to live your life at 1,000 miles per hour, constantly rushing to the next thing.
Don’t measure your value by how much you can get done, or by how many plates you can keep spinning.
Don’t bow to the idol of productivity.
‘Be still, and know that I am God!’ – Psalm 46:10 NIV
Instead: rest in the knowledge of God’s perfect and unchangeable love for you and acceptance of you.
Soak in the experience of a peace that can only come from healthy relationships with God, self, others, and all of creation.
God is far more interested in who you are and what you’re like than in what you do…
Attention, all!
“Step out of the traffic! Take a long,
loving look at me, your High God,
above politics, above everything.” – Psalm 46:10 MSG
– God loves me…
– He knows me better than I know myself, and He still loves me
– He loves you for who you are, and who He has created you to be
– what you do should flow out of who you are