Working in the Education sector can be a thankless task at times, whatever role you fulfil. As a Christian in that context, it’s not just your workplace, but your mission field too. That can make the task seem all the more difficult – but it couldn’t be more vital! Those of you who work in the Education sector have an unrivalled opportunity to be a Christian witness, specifically among young people: not necessarily through proclamation, but by loving those God has called you to serve.
At SBC we want to encourage you in that task & help you to continue in it faithfully. In March 2011 we organised an event with the aim to ‘bless, refresh, resource & encourage‘ Christians who work in the Education sector. We received some excellent feedback about the event, and resolved to organise further events whilst taking on board the critical comments too.
To ensure you stay up to date with the latest news about the ACE events we’re organising, please join our mailing list.
Upcoming Events
Retreat Day [CANCELLED]
Saturday 2nd February 2013
It is with regret that we’ve had to cancel this event due to lack of support.