Teddy Tots

Teddy Tots runs from 09:30 to 11:30 on Friday mornings. We are always open during term time, and occasionally during school breaks. Your first session is free, so you can check us out and see how you get on, and we’ll only ask you to complete a registration form on your second visit. More information…

Friday Club

Friday Club is back! Operated by Crosslinks, the Friday Club offers friendship and support to young people with learning difficulties.  The club usually meets fortnightly on a Friday during term time. Its volunteers ensure it’s a safe, friendly environment, providing games and activities such as pool and craft. Refreshments are available.  There’s a £1.50-£2 charge per session,…

Men’s Breakfast

On the first Saturday of each month the men of the Church gather together (joined by guys from St. Frideswides) to share fellowship and enjoy a meal together. Breakfast usually consists of bacon & egg rolls, toast, fruit juice and copious amounts of tea & coffee, but we’ve also enjoyed continental style breakfasts too. We each take a turn in cooking & serving in order to share the load.

Morning Worship

Join us for a contemporary service of worship, prayer and teaching. Includes all-age worship, a creche facility and ‘Junior Church‘. As you approach the building, enter the church by the right-hand door, where a member of the welcome team will hopefully be ready to greet you! Our service follows that of St Frideswide’s, with whom we…

Morning Prayers

Setting aside a quiet time in the Lounge to join in prayer for each other and the wider community.

Monday Lunch Club

Designed for those who are not as young as they once were, Lunch Club is now 20 years old! Join the Crosslinks team on Mondays in the Youth Hall at WECC for a 2-course meal and drink, and for a chance to chat and get to know others. £4.00 per person. All seniors welcome!

Walking Wednesday

A chance for fresh air and fellowship. All ages and abilities welcome – from the couch potato to the avid rambler! We usually start out from the Water Eaton Church Centre and walk through the local area, such as along the Grand Union Canal and through Water Hall Park. However, these walks also take place…

Chair Exercises

A gentle exercise session for anyone over 60, this is led by Jenny, our former Parish Nurse and will usually take place every Thursday (except the first Thursday of the month). We are currently asking for a small donation to cover expenses, when you attend. If you would like to find out more, then feel…

Thursday Home Group

Meeting weekly together over Zoom to study the Bible. Click here for more information on Home Group.